weekend update
We were off to a great start - my husband and I. Our first weekend together since we went to Cuba (Mar. 7 - wk of). Friday night we went to dinner with friends while boy child engaged in Friday night Frolics at the school. Very fun evening full of food, wine and complimented with ball winding and a movie :)
On Saturday morning we headed off to the local hardware store where I proceeded to purchase supplies I will require for gardening this summer. These are over & aboves, like cement to make the stepping stones in 'You Grow Girl', some solar panel lights for the back yard and front deck, a thermometer for the back deck, humming bird feeder - you know, Spring essentials.
After taking the loot out of the trunk, honey reached up to close it and popped his shoulder of its socket. I heard him moaning downstairs and when I saw him laying on the sofa writhing in pain I knew immediately what had happened. His shoulder is a little lose and has popped out many times: the day of my brother's wedding, playing softball with his work, picking up a pillow off the floor... So we rushed to the hospital where they took him in immediately - tax dollars at work right there folks! 1 1/2 hrs later - a drugged husband in toe, we headed home only to prepare for the evening of his wisdom teeth removal. Needless to say, husband was legally high all weekend.
I did manage to get little green house up - seedlings are very happy.
I'm at the part where the arm holes start on the sweater - I'm very nervous.
Received franchise agreement - freaking out!
Raining today as was all weekend and will probably be cloudy until my last day in hell, I mean, the office :)