jak in the box: Here's to - new beginnings

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Here's to - new beginnings

Phew - it's been a crazy week so far. So much so, this morning I'm up and ready to go with no place to go. I thought I was supposed to be volunteering at the library today, but there is no library today... So here it is - 8:30 in the morning and I have the entire day to myself - weee weee.

Yesterday morning was my first training day at Tangled Skeins yarn shop. Aren't I lucky? As I was driving there Hawksley Workman was singing to me about it being November, beautiful fall leaves were blowing off the trees landing on the road in front of me, paving my way with yellow, orange, and red. And I thought, 'yes, I did it'. It's really the first time since I left my office job that I felt ok - happy even. As though the universe has embraced me. Weird, I know. But as Oprah would say - it was an 'ah ha moment', where I knew the change I made was right and that I was getting better, healing, if you will.

I got to the shop happy, and ready to learn something new and spend the day in the presence of creative people who love to touch yarn as much as I do. I perched myself behind the cash, and proceed to spill a large coffee all over the floor... Don't worry - no yarn of any kind was damaged in the process! My pride however, was a little bruised. So, now that I'm familiar with where the paper towel is stored and with the floors I think I'm ready for a full day next time :)

Some wonderful ladies did come in, and I'm still amazed with the levels of creativity and skill, and how everyone is so eager to share their knowledge. It truly is a wonderful thing - knitting.

Well, I'm off to spend the day... well, however I want. I suppose I'll do a little knitting :)


P.S. Thank you 'S' for your patience yesterday.


At 9:03 AM, Blogger Steph said...




That was beautiful. Seriously. I'm so glad you had that happy feeling. It pushes against all the weight you normally feel on your shoulders. Tell me what it's like again... on Sunday, k?

Did I ever tell you my "first day on the job" horror stories?
Cashier: slammed finger in drawer - TWICE.
Nanny: Allowed fast moving baby to crawl off a step - WHACK. In front of her father.

Coffee on the floor? Meh... at least no one and no yarn was injured.

At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can relate to the yearning for an aha moment where you feel that things are finally falling into place, and that you've taken steps towards professional (and personal) happiness. I feel like I'm still trying to find my place in the world at 30. Hopefully I will have some answers at 31.

Maybe, with women in particular, it has something to do with turning 30. All of a sudden, it seems of immediate importance that our socks get pulled up, our lifeplan mapped out, and decisions get made to make our own happiness happen.


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