jak in the box: Off we go

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Off we go

Instead of packing... I am planning... well, actually surfing the net looking for like minded knitters in TO. I have found a group, Knit Tink and Drink and that sounds about as like minded as it gets for the moment. They meet 2nd Friday of every month, and I will be arriving the second Friday. If there are no delays ~ AHHHHH haaaa haaaa haaaa I'm flying Air Canada ~ I could make it to see other knitters in their natural habitat, and perhaps join them for a Knit Tink and Drink :)

Also came across a Hockey Knitters group! Loverly. Hockey is one of the reasons I began knitting. What else to do while watching Hockey Night in Canada? I used to knit exclusively on Hockey night, which then became Knitting night. Then, well, then I became obsessed with knitting and my husband became obsessed with hockey - so there is hockey and knitting pretty much every night of the week in our house.

Speaking of Hockey!! We have tickets to the Ottawa / Toronto game this Saturday night = Hockey Night in Canada!!! Keep your eyes peeled for the knitter in the stands!! Go Sens Go!! I should knit pom poms!!! Do I have enough time?

Ok seriously - I have to finish packing. Hmmm what shall I pack in my knitting bag?


At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to piss my BIL off so bad, knitting in the stands at the Moosehead games.

Have fun!


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