jak in the box: Here's to a New Year

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Here's to a New Year

The holidays have passed and with it have taken the ebb and flow of constant visitors. The New Year has come and with it brought a sigh of relief for our little K girl. The body is amazing, with healing powers beyond the imaginable. She was in and out of the hospital for major brain surgery in two weeks. Santa was so kind as to drop all of her and her little brother's gifts in her room, and allow her mom and dad to take over an entire room Christmas Eve.

Although we had lots of people around I did mangage to complete knitting projects - less one sock - but I think husband understands.

We brought in the New Year with my brother and his wife's family. We had a Murder Mystery dinner. Quite fun actually. I was Dorothy, a Quirky psychic, and my honey a Texan Oil Man. My brother was a 'dealer' of sorts and managed to fit his but into hot red leather pants (a ladies 29 nonetheless - I hate him...)

Here's my brother and I pre Murder...as Dorothy and Christopher.

And no, I did not commit the murder nor did Christopher... I can't tell you who did in case any of you get that version. I can say I guessed correctly... or should I say, I knew who it was all along - I was the psychic after all.

Today I started a new job. Yes, I have gone back to another office. I have gone with the hope of new experiences and for fear if I didn't I would have passed up a great opportunity. The best part about it is it's part-time and if it's not what I had hoped after 6 months I shall move myself along, yet again. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Here's to a New Year of new projects, new opportunities, and new knitting challenges!



At 9:39 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm getting an image... it's of you... wait, wait... it's becoming clearer now... clearer... we're on a couch, there's coffee... there are people with sticks and string... we're at Stitch and Bitch!

You up for it, office girl?

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look like Mary Kate Olsen in those sunglasses.

BTW that's great about little K - I'm sure its a huge relief. Kids' capacity for healing is astounding.

Congrats on the new job!


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